Researching an auto loan is just as important, if not more important, than researching the right car to purchase. Much like fuel economy, reliability and affordability should be some of the biggest factors in buying a vehicle, so should low interest, flexible terms and manageable monthly payments be for a loan. Members of the Illinois Educators Credit Union can bank on all of these and more with a car loan rated at 2.25% APR, up to 48 months on all new automobiles.
Illinois Educators Credit Union?Auto Loan Terms and Conditions
2.25% is the lowest auto loan rate offered by the credit union for members with A+ credit. Illinois Educators Credit Union?also offers other loan terms for used vehicles at varying interest rates. Any member with good credit and financial standing is welcome to apply. There are also no penalty fees if their loan is paid off early.
About Illinois Educators Credit Union
Illinois Educators Credit Union was chartered as the Springfield Teachers Credit Union in 1938. Through steady, progressive growth through the decades, today the credit union?has approximately 7,500 members, assets totaling $46 million, 22 employees and two full-service locations.Check out more auto loan rates.
Other Terms and Conditions may apply. Additionally, interest rates are based on the institution?s online published rates and may have changed since this offer was posted. Please contact the financial institution for the most recent rate updates and to review the terms of the offer.
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